
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

An Award and a Party Invitation

Wow, I've received another award! Debi (Dly's Hooks and Yarn), Barbina (Little things made with love) and Susan (SusanD1408 Crochet Addict) have given me the Versatile Blogger Award! Thank you girls, it's so nice to know that you were thinking of me when you've passed on your awards - AND of course: Congratulations to Debi, Barbina and Susan for winning this award, all of you have truely deserved it!

Now I have to tell you seven random facts about me:

1) I've cried my eyes out when I had to give my first car away, and I've still got its license plates at home :)

2) I've made my fork lift driver's license about six years ago - it turned out that I was a terrible driver, so I wasn't allowed to drive. Recently I've started practicing again (had only one minor accident so far *gg*) and I'm really motivated to make it this time.

3) Some year's ago, I've learned from the doctor that I've got a deformed kneecap - but it hasn't bothered me ever since.

4) I first set foot in a plane at the age of 25: It was a week-end-trip to London with one of my girlfriends and we had a great time. I'd still like to visit London again one day, it's a fabulous city.

5) I'm only 32, but I've got the feeling that I'm already too old for all this technical stuff: I'm almost scared of what they call "smartphones" because I don't know what all this "app"-talk is all about.

6) My original hair color is dark blonde, and for the past few years I've been having lighter blonde highlights. When I was younger I frequently changed the color of my hair: I think I've tried every shade of blonde, brown and red.

7) Years ago, I even dyed my hair blue one time, when my favorite soccer team (the TSV 1860 München, the team colors are white and blue) won against the FC Bayern München ("our" biggest enemy). The victory was a sensation back then, and I think we (the underdogs) have never won ever since ;)

The next step is to pass this award on to 15 other blogs. Damn, that's a tough one. I'm reading so many blogs (although - shame on me - I'm often too lazy to write a comment), and I've seen lots of my favorite blogs on other bloggers' award lists. So I've tried to pick 15 blogs that haven't already received this award recently:

Dear girls :), if you'd like to accept this award please take it to your blog and pass it on - if you're not collecting awards, just understand it as a compliment on your work! :)

Finally, let's see if I've obeyed all the rules:

1. Add the award to your blog. (Check)
2. Thank the blogger(s) who gave it to you. (Check)
3. Mention 7 random things about yourself. (Check)
4. List the rules. (Check)
5. Award to 15 bloggers. (Check)
6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog. (off to do that now)

Wait: before I leave you for today, let me remind you of our next theme-party. On Friday it's time to celebrate again - it looks damn good for the Valentine's Day topic, so you better check your archives for some crocheted hearts or other Valentine related stuff :) (or: if you're not in the mood for a Valentine's party, vote for another topic and tell all your friends to vote as well *gg*)

Thanks for stopping by, see you soon :)


  1. Lovely! Thank you so much for the award.
    Am off now to check out the other award winner's blogs...

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am honored. I love your blog; you are a sweetheart. I too, will check out the other blogs. Too bad I'm on a series of boring posts about cabinet clean-out right now, but this too will pass. :-)

  3. Thank you for the nomination... it feels like the Oscars ;-)
    I am up for the "Valentine´s" party. I was thinking of doing the heart motifs this month too.
    Greetings, and thanks again.
    Ana BC

  4. Congratulations on your VBA Barbara...lovely facts about you...I can just imagine you charging about in a fork-lift truck! :)x

  5. Hi Barbara! Ich hab mir auch die Augen ausgeweint als ich mein erstes Auto hergeben mußte und mein erster Flug ging auch nach London! Ich will auch unbedingt mal wieder hin! Den Gabelstaplerführerschein finde ich klasse, würde mir auch Spaß machen!
    Hab einen schönen Tag! Barbina

  6. Congratulaaaatiooooons :)

  7. Hola Bárbara. Muchas gracias por el premio y felicidades por tu premio y por tu blog.
    Un saludo.

  8. Congratulations and thank you Barbara! I am truly honoured that you have chosen me to receive this award , just like Anna said it's like the Oscars lol :)

  9. Love your facts!!!
    Thanks so much for the award

  10. Thank you Barbara! I'll have to sit down tomorrow if I can steal the time and go through my blog list to choose my 15. Hm and think of 7 thinks about myself to share.

  11. Hi dear Barbara! My blogfriend:)
    You've another award too/again, so deserved. I see your work and influences all over the world and isn't that an immeasurable compliment?!!
    Thanks for stopping by and your sweet words:)

  12. ein großes Dankeschön an Dich, liebe Barbara, für diese große Ehre.

    aber Du weißt ja...

    ich schicke Dir liebe Grüße

    und freue mich sehr, dass ich wieder kommentieren kann ;-)))

    herzlichst Traudi

  13. Hi Barbara just seen the game with the award , I will post mine during the week to have time to think about all that I need to include in the post.thanks so much ....Blessings sweetheart ! :))Luna


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