
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wiggly Cushion - finally finished!

To all of you who have wondered what ever happened to my wiggly cushion: it's finished at last! Look:

You might think that I have been really lazy because it took so long, but I swear: I've been working on it ever since I've started it, but at times it seemed there was no end in sight. When the rounds got bigger, I really thought it would take forever! I've worked the ruffles with a rather thin cotton yarn (Catania) and a 2.5mm hook, so I had to add round after round before it had the size to fit the little (!) IKEA cushion. I LOVE close-ups:

All in all I'm quite happy with it: this is my first wiggly cushion that has exactly the same structure that my Grandma's cushions used to have, and it's not so... sloppy like the ones I've made before. But: I think it will take a while before I'll make another one, it's been a little too much effort for such a little cushion :)

With a front side like this, I wanted to have a simple back side and turned a striped pattern that I've seen on Petite Fee into a Granny Square:

Today I've discovered that I'm in very good company: Angie from Le Monde de Sucrette has used the same pattern for her Mosaic Cushion. It looks great with the colors she has chosen and you can also find the pattern on her site!

A few more words about wiggly crochet: First of all, thank you so much for the positive feedback on my Tutorial Part 1 and Part 2. I love reading your comments, they really make my day! (If this is your first visit to k-town and you like this cushion, please check out the tutorial and learn how to make your own wiggly cushion)

For those of you who'd like to see more wiggly crochet, here are some links I've found recently:

Bianca has posted a german tutorial on her blog "Haekelnerd". You'll find lots of pictures of her wiggly pattern that can be used for making a potholder or even a purse.

On Say-very Sweet Things there's an english tutorial for a wiggly square and Lindevrouw has translated this pattern into dutch and used it for a lovely cushion.

Ninu and Saritha have joined a Ravelry CAL (I don't know if it's been the same one) and showed pictures of their wiggly crochet on their blogs, check it out to get inspired!

That's all for today, I wish you all a happy and wiggly wednesday! :)


  1. I love the wiggly cushion! Well done! The close up photo's are really cool!

  2. Your wiggly cushion came out so pretty - I love the pastel colors. :)

  3. Love it. It is gorgeous and I am sure you will treasure it forever so well worth all the hard work. Just from the little bit I started, I know how long it takes to do so BIG well done. xx

  4. Sehr, sehr schön geworden.^^

  5. Sehr schön, ich liebe, dass Sie alle COLR verwendet.
    Hallo und guten Abend.

    X verwenden Google Translation

  6. That wiggly cushion is awesome!! an aunt of mine had a pair of cushions made with that technique, I loved it and stare for hours when I visited her. for some reason I forgot it until you brought it back to my memory! I may use this wiggly for my baby!!

  7. Wow, I love your cushion. It's beautiful and the colours are great as well. Another project I want to make :-)

  8. This looks so lush!
    Am bookmarking now for a future project.
    Such a great blog here. Xx

  9. Oh Barbara, that is SO beautiful. I can't wait to try to make this beautiful, cushy pillow. Your blog is such a delight! :)

  10. Your cushion is gorgeous :)
    Thank you for linking to my blog!
    Have a beautiful day!

  11. DUDE! This totally rocks my socks off! I love it! I wasn't so sure about the smaller motifs, but seeing the whole thing come together is AMAZING! nice work :)

  12. Dein Kissen ist wunderschön. Die Farben gefallen mir sehr gut.
    LG, Heike

  13. Beautiful -well done..and lots of hard work with that!!

  14. Wow, das sieht echt klasse aus. Dieses Muster werde ich auch mal ausprobieren.
    LG Bianka

  15. Wow, your hard work has certainly paid off. That cushion is stunning!!! Well Done!

  16. It looks beautiful! I know what you mean about thin yarn and small crochet hooks! I started a blanket with a 2.5mm hook about 2 years still isn't finished! It might also have to do with the fact that I haven't worked on it for the past year but...I'd rather blame the crochet hook! :)

  17. Hallo Barbara! Dein Kissen ist ja wunderschön geworden. Ich kann mir vorstellen, wieviel Arbeit da drinsteckt! Dankeschön für dein tolles Tutorial und die Links.
    Ich wünsch dir alles Liebe! Barbina

  18. Hi Barbara... just found you via Rainbow Bunting...your blog is excellent and I love these 2 cushions... I think you must have huge patience to complete that wiggly cushion! I'm following :)x

  19. muy bonito, yo intentaré tejerlo!!!!

  20. Barbara - I'm new to your blog today but I love your wiggly pillow! After reading a bit, I love it even more that you followed your grandmother's pattern to start recreating these. My Grandmother and Mother taught me to crochet and knit so I just think it's great to find someone else who values keeping that alive! I look forward to using your tutorial to learn how to do this myself :-) Thanks for sharing!

  21. what a beautiful cushion! you did an amazing job with it :)

  22. Beautiful......................

  23. So ein schönes Kissen - tolle Arbeit

  24. Hallo Barbara,
    das Kissen ist wunderschön geworden! ♥
    Und vielen Dank für's verlinken :-)
    Gaaaanz liebe Grüße, Bianca ♥

  25. its the back side too..

  26. Thank you - Danke - Gracias! Reading all your nice comments always makes me smile! :)

  27. Wow! Your cushion is AMAZING... So much pretty detail and gorgeous colours!!! I'm so glad you left a lovely comment on my blog today as it has given me the chance to find your fab blog!!! So a BIG thank you to you!! :)
    Can't wait to see more of your crochet too!
    Louise xx

  28. I love your wiggly pillow! I have to try it, I just looked at your tutorial and I've never seen anything made this way. How cool! Thanks!!! I'm your newest follower from the US and when (if) I get to making this and if I post it on my blog I will be sure to link back to you.

  29. Hello, I've popped in from iCrochet and just LOVE this cushion! Great tutorials too, must give one a go some time. I'll be back!
    Sandra x

  30. Lovely lovely lovely - and that you have posted a tutorial too is even better! thank you for sharing.

  31. Que preciosidad de cojin!! me encanta los colores, se ve muy bonito!!

  32. What a wonderful cushion, waaaaaaaaaaauw thank you for the link!!!
    greetings Gerrie.

  33. Das Kissen ist dir ganz hervorragend gelungen, gefällt mir sehr.
    Wo krieg ich denn ne deutsche Anleitung ? Mit Englisch kann ich leider nicht viel anfangen.
    Wäre lieb, wenn du mir hilfst.

    1. Hallo Häkelmama und danke für Deinen Kommentar und Deine Frage! Leider habe ich keine e-mail Adresse bei Dir gefunden, deshalb hoffe ich, dass Du vielleicht hier nochmal vorbeischaust!

      Ein deutsche Anleitung für diese Technik habe ich schon mal hier gesehen:

      Gerade hab ich's nochmal für dich gegoogelt, hier gibt's auch noch ne Anleitung in einem Handarbeitsforum:

      Da hilft man Dir bestimmt auch, wenn Du noch Fragen hast!

      Viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende,


  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Love this cushion. It's beautiful!

  36. Amei a almofada. Ela é maravilhosa.
    As cores são lindas.
    Obrigada por compartilhar.

  37. Lovely, so lovely! The colors are so soothing! Thanks so much for sharing!

  38. So cute! I love that it is on the diagonal instead of just a standard square and the colors are fab!

  39. I love Granny Squares and this was so different. Very pretty and nice choice of colors too! Thanks for posting these. Good pics as well.


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