
Sunday, May 13, 2012

An Old Pattern and a New Dress

Hey Good Lookin', how are you today?

It's Mother's Day in Germany, and apart from the fact that my Mom is one of my most favorite persons in the world, she's definitely the most favorite person to give my crochet things to. Why? Because nevermind how critical I am with my stuff, she loves everything I crochet. This is my Mother's Day gift for her:

It's a set of two crochet potholders shaped as dresses. This is my "remake" of my Mom's old kitchen decoration. When my parents got married more than 40 years ago, an old friend of the family made the original dresses for my Mom (the yellow and brown ones in the picture below).

Those dresses had been hanging in my Mom's kitchen until last year, when she removed them to make room for the potholders I've made for her birthday. She gave the dresses to me, just in case I'd like to figure out the pattern and make my own.

Over the past few months I've been examining the dresses now and then, but I just couldn't figure out the pattern for the upper part and I had no clue were to start with this dress and how to make the transition from the upper part to the skirt. I've found some free patterns on the internet for crocheted dress potholders, but they weren't exactly the same ones, and somehow I was determined to make right these or no dresses at all. Last week my Mother's-Day-alarm-clock began to ring louder, so I sat down and just gave it a try. Another lesson learned: it's easier to figure out a pattern if you use your hook as well, and not just the eyes :).

I'm not sure if I've got the pattern completely right, but it's close enough I guess. For the colors I've picked off-white and green, because green is the dominating color in my Mom's kitchen, and after I've finished the first dress, I've remembered that I've got just the perfect wooden heart-shaped buttons to complete the dresses. I love them!! And I hope my Mom does, too (and of course she does, I know! *gg*)

Now let me ask you something (and I'm not fishing for compliments here): do you think I should make dresses like these for John's Mom, too? As you might know, we'll be visiting John's family in June, and I'd really like to bring something for his Mom and sister, but I'm not sure how people feel about crocheted gifts (or handmade gifts in general). What if they fake a smile, say thank you and hide the stuff in the depths of an old spare room drawer as soon as I'm back on the plane? That's what I meant above, when I said that my Mom is my favorite person to give crochet things to, I just know she loves it, but I'm not sure about John's Mom and sister. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions? Do you understand my worries? I think you might, because I'm quite sure I've read similar thoughts elsewhere in blogland, too.

Before I leave you for today, let me remind you of our current stripy link-party - and in my right side bar I've already started the next poll with some new topics (thank you Debi for your suggestions!). Of course you can choose multiple answers as usual.

To all the mothers and other great ladies out there: Have a lovely Sunday!



  1. Your potholder dresses are cute !

  2. Your little potholder dresses are so cute - you did a great job re-creating them. :)

    I think you should give John's Mom a set - that would be nice. Even if she puts them away and never uses them, she will know that you thought of her (and then you will know that crocheted gifts are really not her style).

  3. I have a collection of vintage dress potholders! I adore them! Yours are even lovelier than mine. I know for myself that this would be a gift very happily received. Not knowing John's mother......I would expect she would love them, as well.

  4. I always appreciate a handmade gift, so I am sure that your in-laws will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  5. I feel the same about gifts I have made, I worry that people won't really like them or will think less of them because I've made them. I have reached the conclusion that as long as the gift is well matched to the person, then they will like it. And if they like to make things and appreciate the work then so much the better!

  6. How clever of you to work out the pattern Barbara they are lovely so unusual. I know what you mean about crochet gifts (see my African Violets)I made them for my Aunt because I know that she will appreciate them and love them. I would make some for Johns mum I'm sure she will be so touched that you took the time to make a special gift for her.:)

  7. son una preciosidad! y un regalo Ășnico

  8. Happy Mother's Day Barbara ! .....beautiful dress and colors.perfect !

  9. I think your little dresses turned out adorable. Your MIL should love to have one or two of these. Handmade gifts are wonderful!

  10. what neat potholders!!!!!!!!

  11. these are lovely! I'm sure your mum will love them. Her only issue will be where in her kitchen she will fit them. Well done on figuring out the pattern!

  12. These are so cute! I love handmade gifts and think you should make some for John's mum too! Well done getting the pattern too!

  13. Wat leuk! Mijn oma heeft heel vroeger deze ook voor mijn moeder gemaakt, maar ze is er al heel lang niet meer. Zou ik het patroon van je kunnen krijgen? Je zou mij er heel blij mee maken.Gr. Diana

  14. Wow.....!!! Love the work,sure my little daughter would love to do.

  15. They are lovely ! I think you should share the pattern.


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