
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Beyond the Square: Motif # 130

Motif # 130

Category: Unusual Shapes

Progress: 87 of 100+

That was one of the most interesting motifs so far: this oval isn't worked in rounds, but in rows. Sometimes it goes around the corner, sometimes you work a few chain loops, and sometimes you connect them. In the end, you meet your starting row again and sew both ends together. I loved making this one!!

Shared Gallery: link up your motifs!


  1. I really like it...but wonder what you can do with such a shape? Grtzz..Maddy

  2. Das schaut super aus, Barbara! Und weißt Du was... ich kann mich überhaupt nicht erinnern, das Motiv im Buch gesehen zu haben *lol*. Man wird echt alt ;-). Es hat irgendwie was von Brügger Häkelei, gell? Ich glaub ich muß das auch in Bälde in Angriff nehmen ;-)


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