Friday, October 5, 2012

On a Personal Note

Now that we've told our family and friends, and finally set the date, it's time to bring the News to you, my blogging friends: John and I am getting married!!

Source: Pinterest
Our big day will be next year, on June the 29th. Although John had already proposed to me in August, it took a while for us to organize the most important things, but now we've booked the priest and the church, the location for the party, and the photographer.

We'll have a civil wedding in the registry office (which is obligatory in Germany), and a blessing ceremony afterwards. Unfortunately we're not allowed to have a catholic wedding, because John had been married before. Although it was "only" a civil wedding, and neither him nor his ex-wife were catholic, the catholic church regards a civil marriage between non-catholics equivalent to a church wedding between catholics, and therefore the marriage can not be resolved. (The weird thing about this: if a catholic decides to have a civil wedding only and gets divorced, he's still allowed to have a catholic wedding with another partner later, since his first marriage - according to the catholic law - wasn't valid in the first place). In the beginning I was devasted, because all this paperwork at the registry office just doesn't mean anything to me - it's merely signing some contracts, that can be resolved at will, so where's the meaning in that? On the other hand, changing my confession just to have a church wedding would be hypocrisy and, again, wouldn't really mean anything to me, so that was no option either. My Mom told me to accept the facts, get over it, and be happy with what we can have, which is the blessing ceremony - it's basically like a regular catholic service with a blessing of the rings, but without the wedding vows.

Needless to say, that the wedding is the no.1 topic on my mind right now, and I'm spending hours browsing the according boards on Pinterest and Wedding Gawker, looking for inspiration for the dress, the flowers, the decoration and more. I think I've never been so excited in my life!!

I promise you, that I won't bore you with this topic in every post now, but I'll probably write a "Wedding News" post occasionally to keep you up to date :)

Have a great week-end everybody!

Wedding-Countdown: 8 months and 24 days to go!


  1. Congratulations! my best wishes to you both.

  2. Congratulations, too. I wish you all the luck of the world.

    Best wishes

  3. Congratulations. What wonderful news. I'm sorry you can't have the ceremony that you want but at the end of the day it is the vows you make to each other and not the place where you say them that counts. When you make those promises to each other I'm pretty sure you will feel married no matter where it is. I wish you both well as you make this big step together into a brand new adventure.

  4. Wow, Congratulations!! Great news. I am feeling sad that you cannot have the ceremony you want. But believe me, in the long run it will not matter. We will be celebrating our 19th anniversary this December, and what matters today is that we are the best of friends to each other. So wishing you all the very best. And please do "bore" us with all your wedding plans. I would love to hear them and I am sure others will too. A small way to be a part of your big day, from so far away, isn't it?!
    Lots of love and hugs.

    1. He he... almost forgot, Best wishes to dear John too.

  5. Brilliant news Barbara! congratulations to you both. :)

  6. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Barbara! Ich freu mich riesig für dich. Schade, dass die Gesetze hier so "seltsam" sind, manchmal kann man sich echt nur wundern über so was. Aber ich denke, deine Hochzeit wird trotzdem wundervoll. Ich freue mich schon auf die Hochzeitsfotos!!!
    Hab ein wunderschönes Wochenende! xxBarbina

  7. Congratulations to both of you and wish you all the happiness in the world!:)

  8. felicidades por tu nueva etapa veras que es estupendo un abrazo

  9. Congratulations!! to you and John - I wish you many, many happy years together. :)

  10. Oh wie schön für euch!!!
    Alles Liebe♥♥♥

  11. Congratulations! And enjoy the planning etc. My sis had the same - she married a Catholic Irishman - ohm the schlep to get around :-). A civil ceremony in Ireland, a church wedding with a Protestant chaplain in South Africa, including Catholic priest to do a reading and blessing. But it was beautiful.

  12. Barbara, I send you and John best wishes on this very happy day which will soon arrive. You are fortunate to have the love of your husband to be and also the continuing and wise love of your mom.

    The ceremonial technicalities are technical, not at all related to the power of true love.

  13. congratulations!!!
    I still remember my wedding day.....better to say, my wedding days!! Infact we had 2 ceremonies! My husband is a catholic, while I'm an atheist. The first ceremony was a civil one and the second one was a catholic one, with some differences from the usual religious wedding. Infact, my husband followed the traditional rite, while I didn't have to receive the sacraments, only the blessing!! We are still together after 15 years!!!
    Good luck my dear, xxx Alessandra

  14. Congratulations!! All the very best for the future and wishing a lifetime of happiness to you and John :) Would love to hear all about your plans, decorations and the all imp white dress!

  15. Congratulations and best wishes for tremendous happiness and comfort together for this next era of your lives.

  16. That is such great news, Barbara! Congratulations!!

  17. Liebe Barbara,

    das sind ja wundervolle Neugigkeiten...
    Dann wünsche ich Dir und John von Herzen alles Gute und seid nicht weiter traurig über die Gesetze! Ich denke, das wichtigste ist doch das ihr 2 Euch gefunden habt und den Weg gemeinsam geht.
    Habt noch einen schönen Sonntag und viel Spass bei der weiteren Planung,
    viele liebe Grüße Marion

  18. That is wonderful news! Congratulations to the both of you! All the best for the future! :)

  19. Congratulations hon! That is truly fabulous news! You are going to have so much fun with wedding planning over the next few months. I just wish that Pinterest existed ten years ago when I got married - there are just so many wonderful ideas there to accumulate.

    Congrats again,


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