Monday, May 7, 2012

Beyond the Square: Motif # 4

Motif # 4

Category: Circles

Progress: 41 of 100+

I like the "open" style of this one. It's made with lots of dc-3-clusters, somehow they remind me of little leaves. Maybe Edie Eckman thought the same, because in the book the second and third round are worked with green yarn (the center and the border are dark orange).

Shared Gallery: link up your motifs!


  1. I like that one Barbara it's lovely :)

  2. Morgen Barbara!
    I really like the latest square/circle! I really have to congratulate you on the fact that you are going on with the squares! I tried to do this also last year but, having the attention span of a goldfish, the project was dropped fairly quickly! What will you do with them in the end!?

    1. Morgen! ;)

      I've been asked this question before and unfortunately the answer is still "hell, I don't know" *lol* I'm still waiting for someone to come up with the ultimate project idea :)
      Thanks for your visit - hey, don't you want to jump back into this Challenge? :)

    2. Unfortunately (or not...) I am a little obsessed with knitting at the moment! The only reason I've used a crochet hook the past few weeks is to pick up stitches for knitting! Seriously, lately my username should probably be "knittingdoc" instead of "crochetingdoc"! So, I think I'll pass on the granny squares...for now! Have you considered trying knitting?! Believe me when I tell you, it's really addictive! And the possibilities are endless! :)

  3. excellent article, very good thank you very much.


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